The Essential Guide to Hemp products for Pets
There are so many new products on the market for dogs and cats that contain hemp. Many of these hemp oils, hemp treats and hemp pet foods promise sleeker fur, calmer behaviour and even better mobility.
But before you rush off buy hemp seed oil for your dog or hemp treats for your cat, let’s look at how these products work and what you get for your money.
The good oil on the Good Oil
Hemp Oil, or CBD Oil (Cannabidiol Oil) is at the top of the pyramid when it comes to hemp products.
It’s made from the flower buds and leaves of the hemp plant, which is a variety of Cannabis sativa.
Hemp has higher concentrations of naturally derived cannabidiols, which is the phytochemical component with the healing properties. It has very low (-0.2%) concentrations of the psychoactive component THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is why it won't make your dog high.
Hemp Oil containing cannabidiols are classed as a Schedule 4 medicine by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia. This means that products containing hemp-derived cannabidiols and CBD are classed as Prescription Only Medicine OR Prescription Animal Remedy.
Only a vet can prescribe these types of products for your dog or cat. It’s not available from pet stores or other retailers.
There’s a wide range of conditions that Hemp Oil can treat: Skin irritations, behavioural problems such as anxiety and aggression, joint pain and arthritis, other pain, seizure disorders, heart disease, and inflammation, as well as side effects from cancer treatment such as loss of appetite.
Consult your vet to see if your dog or cat is a good candidate. Always buy your CBD Oil from the vet to ensure you are giving your pet with the very best quality remedy available. Be prepared to pay upwards of AUD$100 for 50mL
Other Hemp Oils, Hemp Nectars and Hemp Elixirs
Your local pet store probably has a growing range of medicinal-looking bottles with droppers or syringes and fancy names.
These are called Hemp Oil Blends, Hemp Elixirs or Hemp Nectars, and are made from hemp seeds. The seeds are the ripened fruits of the hemp plant, which are cold pressed to release their juice.
There is no CBD (cannabidiol) in the juice of the hemp seed. But it does have a lot of other highly nutritious elements that are a great addition to our diets, both humans and pet.
As a dietary supplement, hemp seed oil is a great source of the essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6. These are a great source of energy, they help in the absorption of vitamins, and promote healthy growth. The omegas help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin and coat.
Plant seed oils such as hemp also contain Gamma-Linolenic Acid, which is great for skin conditions, as well as some mood disorders and heart health.
Look for high-quality, cold-pressed hemp seed oil blends. Some have added fish oil – especially for cats – to increase the essential fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals available in fish.
Choose one of these hemp seed oil products if you want your dog or cat to be sporting shiny fur and healthy skin, great joint health and movement, or to lift their mood and behaviour.
A good-quality hemp seed oil will set you back around AUD$25 for 100mL.
Food and Treats with Hemp ingredients
Beyond the “therapeutic” looking bottles of oils and droppers and syringes, there’s a growing number of foods and treats listing hemp in their ingredients.
Many food products highlight hemp and its potential benefits on the front of the packaging.
As with the hemp seed oils, these products contain hemp seeds, not the whole hemp plant. This means they do not contain any CBD (cannabidiol) but they do contain all the goodness of omega fatty acids and other nutritious components.
Bottom Line on Hemp for Dogs and Cats
Hemp is the ingredient of the moment, enjoying the spotlight for early adopters of new, exciting products for our pets.
The bottom line is, does your pet have a health condition that requires a therapeutic remedy and a visit to the vet?
Talk to your vet about CBD Oil and whether it could help alleviate your pet’s condition.
Do you want a pet with shiny fur, healthy skin, a calm nature and bouncy mobility?
Choose one of the best-quality hemp seed oils, oil blends, foods and treats to supplement your pet’s diet.